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Monday, August 24, 2020
School Health Plan
School wellbeing programs are turning out to be increasingly more mainstream as wellbeing concerns develop. Understudies should know at more youthful periods of the worries that face our general public, and the manners in which that they can battle these worries through great wellbeing information. A few school regions have actualized complete wellbeing educational plans and programs, and numerous states have principles with respect to wellbeing training. The accompanying articles detail distinctive wellbeing projects and concerns. In Michigan, there exists state content measures in the territory of wellbeing instruction. The Michigan educational program calls for wellbeing training to happen at any rate 50 hours of the year from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade, with an educational program that is formatively proper at each level and expands on aptitudes and information every year. Further, it calls for school staff to work together on solid practices with the school wellbeing instructor, so wellbeing can be a need inside the school. The article proposes that homeroom instructors, rec center educators, cafeteria laborers, study hall educators, and different experts cooperate to assist understudies with solid practices and information (Michigan Board). There is a general worry that in spite of the fact that students’ undesirable practices are less than they beforehand were, there are still such a large number of understudies who are taking part in these unfortunate practices. The objective practices the program is taking a gander at are smart dieting, physical action, social/correspondence, sexual conduct, liquor and medications. The program expects to show understudies explicit information how certain practices can be destructive, and how they can settle on more advantageous decisions. It additionally expects to train them general wellbeing standards and how to apply these in social, school, and family connections (Michigan Board). This educational plan is to be educated by qualified wellbeing educators. A certified instructor will have an affirmation in wellbeing training or family and shopper science, notwithstanding a showing permit, or potentially will have experienced another kind of preparing program. The instructor won't act alone, yet will work together with different educators in the structure so as to join solid decisions into all parts of the school day. The article is mindful so as to state that this coordinated effort must not replace wellbeing classes, however should be notwithstanding them (Michigan Board). The article’s investigate shows that understudies who are engaged with viable wellbeing classes show less hazard practices and all the more star social practices. They are likewise more on-task in the school condition and more averse to be diverted by medical issues (Michigan Board). Two teachers of wellbeing instruction composed a model exercise plan for coordinating wellbeing into the math educational plan. Understudies can contemplate the quantity of products of the soil servings required in a day, and can work on including and taking away the quantity of servings required relying upon what number of have been eaten up until this point. They can likewise see what establishes a serving, and some fundamental wholesome data about various leafy foods. This exercise perfectly includes both math and nourishment, and closures with understudies having the option to taste foods grown from the ground that they have gotten from home. Exercises like this can be made to incorporate wellbeing into any branch of knowledge (James and Adams). Distinctive understudy bunches have various necessities, and teachers have various worries for them. For instance, understudies with extraordinary necessities may have certain dental worries that ordinary understudies don’t have. Understudies with handicaps may encounter slobbering, teeth granulating, issues gulping, or need to take a great deal of sweet drug. There are a few other oral issues that may influence them also, contingent upon the inability. What’s more, these understudies might not have the cognizance, or physical abilities to take part in run of the mill oral cleanliness, and their overseers may not consider it to be a need. Hence, wellbeing instructors need to underline the job that oral cleanliness plays for these understudies, and energize possibly them or their parental figures to assist them with keeping up great oral wellbeing, as proper. Wellbeing educators can likewise assist these understudies with obtaining legitimate dental consideration and, if vital, orthodontic consideration (Perlman and Miller). The creators plot a program that can be actualized for every understudy to support great oral cleanliness. Understudies ought to be given reinforcers when they complete the objective practices, I. e. brushing, flossing, and so forth. This arrangement can be actualized in an assortment of approaches to energize great oral wellbeing (Perlman and Miller). Different states have various issues with human services. Texas, for instance, has been having issues paying for teachers’ wellbeing plans. They have as of late started offering educators an extra $1000 that can be utilized for extra medicinal services inclusion, or whatever else they need. This is just one measure that is important to enable the individuals to settle on great wellbeing choices. Having enough cash to pay for wellbeing costs will empower individuals to have more alternatives (Keller). Texas isn't the main express that is having issues, nonetheless. Many school locale are having issues in exchanges over human services, remembering regions for Ohio, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Cash is tight in these locale, and educators now and again are protesting to secure their privileges to human services and fitting compensations. Financing is a major issue in the territory of social insurance at this moment (Ponessa). Another significant worry in the zone of wellbeing is that young people don’t have enough access to medicinal services, particularly deterrent administrations. An ongoing article subtleties the issues. Understudies whose families don't have medical coverage can't bear to see normal specialists. Despite the fact that who do see normal specialists are at a potential weakness, in light of the fact that the specialists are not prepared to deal with real safeguard care, for example, weight reduction guiding, cholesterol decrease advising, sexual wellbeing screenings (counting for STDs and progressively routine Pap spreads for ladies), stopping smoking, and HIV mindfulness. Specialists address these issues in under 5% of cases in which understudies go to the specialist for deterrent consideration purposes (Santelli et al). Moreover, adolescents do approach certain specific centers, similar to general wellbeing facilities, Planned Parenthood, and so forth. Indeed, even youngsters without protection can go see specialists at these spots, yet once more, deterrent consideration is uncommon. Additionally, a considerable lot of these centers are set up for grown-ups, and may not be inviting to the youngsters who enter them. Rather, more human services choices should be accessible to youngsters so they can exploit safeguard care and settle on sound choices with their primary care physicians. Teenagers consider specialists to be a solid wellspring of data, and they trust specialists, so clearly specialists should be associated with this circumstance (Santelli et al). In a perfect world, the creators figure, schools ought to give wellbeing administrations, on the grounds that: â€Å"School wellbeing programs give wellbeing administrations, wellbeing training, a solid school condition, social and mental administrations, physical instruction programs, school nourishment program, wellbeing advancement for educators and staff, and coordinated endeavors with guardians and the community†(Santelli et al). That is, schools can give an absolutely thorough program, which contacts all parts of a student’s life. School-based projects can build access to wellbeing administrations for understudies who need them most, including poor and minority understudies. There isn't yet any accord on how and why schools ought to offer these types of assistance, however the chances and advantages are self-evident. Notwithstanding arriving at specific populaces of understudies, schools likewise include a hostage situation for understudies. This implies the conveyance of administrations is simpler, since understudies are as of now there, and go through a few hours in school ordinary. For understudies who may live a few miles from the closest open facility, school-based administrations are considerably more advantageous, and significantly more prone to attract understudies (Santelli et al). The investigation at that point takes a gander at which wellbeing programs are viable, and why. Schools and overseen care tasks won't have any desire to offer types of assistance on the off chance that they are not financially savvy, so the investigation of advantages is significant. One finding is that customary hearing and vision screening isn't especially valuable, as these conditions are not viewed as a danger to the school populace. In any case, more up to date explore shows that when schools endeavor to immunize understudies, they can get up to 75% to partake. Thusly, should an infectious malady (like measles) break out among understudies, schools can rapidly distinguish the source, and immunize or potentially treat understudies to stop the spread. Furthermore, there is some proof that STD screenings and pregnancy-counteraction training has decreased the spread of STDs and the quantity of teenager pregnancies. The creators suggest that nearby general wellbeing concerns be considered when schools are picking what administrations to give (Santelli et al). Schools and overseen care associations keep on being worried about expense. Since no obvious investigations on cost viability are accessible, analysts have needed to see how well projects have done in evolving practices. Additionally, wellbeing consumptions for significant issues, similar to hospitalizations identified with ceaseless conditions or STDs, pregnancy, and so forth ay imply that associations can't extend subsidizing to give proper protection care, considerably in the wake of recognizing that doing so may diminish these expenses. In this way, further research on cost adequacy and approaches to treat teenagers is required (Santelli et al). Instances of networks where w ellbeing programs have been set up effectively are conceivably among the most reassuring stories accessible. A people group in Michigan had low participation rates and grades, and high dropout, adolescent wrongdoing, teenager pregnancy, and suspension rates. Their objective was to turn the school commun
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Honda Environmental Leadership Essay
Honda Motor Co. is the biggest engine cycle producer and a main automaker on the planet. With an overall system of more than 501 auxiliaries, Honda’s different portfolio incorporates little estimated broadly useful motors to bikes and sports vehicles. The way of thinking of Honda Motor Co. is very much settled in with the Japanese culture of seeking after the ‘triple joys’. The triple delights mirror the delights of purchasing, selling and making. The organization has been especially perceived world over for its drives in handling ecological difficulties. Albeit natural concerns and requirement for reciprocative activity got prominent in the mid 1980s, Honda’s endeavors toward this path can be ascribed to the 1960s when air contamination was first comprehended. The natural administration at Honda is profoundly established in the company’s vision to be ‘a organization that the general public needs to exist’ (Honda Motors, 2010). Today individuals all through the world have gotten aware of the harms autos can do to our condition. In this way we see condition cordial car innovations rising in light of revealing ecological circumstance. The idea of Green Motoring has come to fruition, which includes utilizing elective powers so as to diminish air contamination. Among the endeavors car producers take to add to nature, is the utilization of powers created from bio alcohols and bio mass. Green motoring is presently centered around utilizing hydrogen as a fuel (Green Field H 2008). The vision of the organization is for sure excessively radical, in any event as for condition insurance. Needing to consider itself to be an element that the general public doesn’t object, is in fact an exceptional idea, mirroring its comprehension of open reasoning. This way of thinking additionally features the significance it appends to open impression of ecological debasement. The organization appears to accept that the general public will permit it to exist just on the off chance that it is consistence with its desires. It is subsequently no big surprise that Honda had played a position of authority well in front of its rivals, proactively. The natural effect has been completely broke down, including its assembling procedure, the vehicles produced, the help exercises like organization, transportation and so forth. The earth well disposed activities are reflected in the entirety of its auxiliaries all through the world. Honda appears to have made ecological concern a piece of its worldwide system. All Honda activities all through the world, have a noteworthy holding on for regard to condition security for the nations in which they work. Conversation Honda looks to make new an incentive by joining inventive thoughts that mirror the evolving needs. The organization is focused on the future, by limiting its impacts on the earth and its admission of earth’s assets. An ongoing study by DuPont and the Society of Automotive Industry (SAE) has distinguished ecological worries just like the greatest test for the business. As indicated by Chris Murphy DuPont chief, natural contemplations are changing vehicle plan and advancement and have become a differentiator in the commercial center. About 54% of the respondents saw eco-friendly vehicles with decreased natural effect as being essential to the buyers (Laura 2008). On its part, Honda tries to address environmental change, created because of higher grouping of CO2, CFC and different nurseries gases. By presenting half breed and fuel conserving innovations, CO2 emanations are diminished in Honda vehicles, yet all through its whole corporate action. With respect to consumption of assets, Honda has been creating advances, sun based cell improvement and vitality sparing advances. The organization is all around set to be in front of the specifications expected of it, as a vehicle producer. The continuous guidelines are just expected to get harder with time, and vehicle maker specifically must be solid and steady to accomplish the necessary principles. The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) requires vehicles and SUVs to expand their eco-friendliness by about 4% every year. Hence by 2020, an eco-friendliness of around 35 miles for each gallon must be accomplished (Crawley, 2007). The consistence of Honda to ecological concerns is apparent from its 1972 improvement of the CVCC motor in consistence with the US Clean Air Act, which was the world’s hardest outflow guideline of the time. The organization sought after its advancement of exhaust system and other such clean outflow advances over the most recent four decades bringing about its vehicles discharges being diminished to 1/1000 of its 1970 levels. Honda is as of now advancing its Green Factory activity around the world, along with vitality protection and waste decrease activities in its non-creation exercises. Around 324 auxiliaries including 224 non-fabricating organizations have been secured by this (Honda Motors, 2010). The immediate and roundabout vitality utilization at Honda Motors is appeared in Appendix 1, while locale savvy vitality, water utilization and waste are appeared in Appendix 2. The veritable endeavors in needing to pass an excellent indigenous habitat to the group of people yet to come is reflected in the organization setting up its own autonomous objectives and moving in the direction of the equivalent. A portion of the outstanding ideas in Honda ecological desires are: Green Vehicle advancement: Striving towards improvement of zero outflow for every one of its vehicles, Honda turned into the primary Japanese organization to consent to the ongoing emanation guidelines. The organization built up a unique fumes air infusion framework and a modified framework for fuel infusion which is right now utilized in its VFR bike. The company’s 50cc Giorno Crea bike is profoundly eco-friendly and furthermore condition agreeable. Energy unit Electric Vehicle (FCEV): Even as right on time as 1986, Honda had been engaged with the improvement of a hydrogen controlled power module electric vehicle, today found as FCX Clarity FCEV. The vehicle has been the consequence of two many years of work by Honda’s engineers, with an end goal to genuinely safeguard the earth’s condition. The vehicle utilizes an electric engine and an energy component stack and doesn't discharge any CO2. At the point when the power device stack was produced without precedent for 1999, it was excessively enormous and massive. Through consistent innovative work the energy component stack experienced change to decrease and lighter but then progressively ground-breaking (American Honda, 2010). This thus empowered the vehicle to get exquisite and agreeable. The features of FCX Clarity FCEV are: †¢ Only water fume discharge †¢ Reduces carbon dioxide emanations essentially †¢ Certified as a zero outflow vehicle (ZEV) Green Dealer: The Green vendor idea smoothes out and empowers productive utilization of water, power and paper through constant evaluations and upgrades of existing frameworks. The idea is aimed at protection of nature and downplaying the contaminating exercises (HMSI, 2007). Making an attention to condition among the representatives and the overall population is likewise a piece of this plan. Objective setting: Honda’s endeavors towards ecological conservation are reflected through separately characterized targets. In 2006 it set emanation decrease objectives for CO2 outflow, to be reached by 2010. In 2007 the organization set focuses for decreasing natural effect, likewise expected to be accomplished by 2010. The organization is on target to arrive at targets. What's to come is just getting harder for the vehicle producers, however Honda is immovably set to meet the necessary objectives. While defining ecological objectives for itself, across worldwide tasks, Honda has been excessively nitty gritty in its methodology. The organization moved toward the earth issue from a few points of view. As a component of its worldwide natural strategy, Honda sets explicit objectives with respect to its Life Cycle Assessment System, by which the ecological effect is estimated and broke down. Aside from observing and lessening its emanations, it likewise considered and checked the effect on condition because of its outflows. The organization through its providers and accomplices, along these lines looked for arrangements through developments and advances, to search for approaches to be in amicability with nature. Honda of Canada Manufacturing (HCM) was among the principal automobile makers to get the ISO 14001 confirmation. HCM today reuses about 99% of its creation squander and is progressing in the direction of 100% reusing (Cambridge Center Honda, 2010). The organization is credited with bringing the principal Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) to Canada. In 2003 when it began creation of the Civic GX, the vehicle was evaluated by the EPA as having the cleanest IC motor on the planet. In 2002 March, Honda presented the Honda life cycle appraisal framework (LCA) to assess the natural effect of its items. CO2 is one of the primary components that are observed through this appraisal of items, from assembling to removal. Relating to the levels distinguished, targets are set for all spaces including creation, deals and administration, and organization, with activities actualized to accomplish targets. In 2007 Honda presented the item life cycle evaluation framework (LCA) which rotates on the CO2 emanations from a solitary vehicle through its lifetime. The figurings uncovered that 78% of CO2 discharges are related with item use and 6% during its emanation. The organization would now be able to survey CO2 emanations all the more precisely, for each part of the vehicle’s life, in this way adding to decrease endeavors. The CO2 focused on decreases are along these lines aimed at 80% of the absolute emanations, concerning LCA. End and suggestions All divisions of worldwide economy are progressively going under natural guidelines to guarantee that all strategic approaches, no longer proceed with dismissal to the earth. The vehicle makers are among the soonest to get such specifications as vehicles are a significant supporter of contamination. The
Friday, July 24, 2020
MIT Grads Design the Jolt Sensor
MIT Grads Design the Jolt Sensor MIT students are always pumping out crazy new inventions left and right. The builder community at MIT is one of the strongest in the world and being in an environment where people are always creating new things inspires others to create new things themselves, like MIT graduates Benjamin Harvatine 12 and Seth Berg 14 who recently built a concussion-detecting device they named the Jolt sensor. While wrestling at MIT, Ben Harvatine 12 got a concussion that went undetected. He continued practicing until he suddenly felt a dizziness come over him that rendered him unable to speak as he staggered into the trainers room. This problem of undetected concussions has become too prevalent in young athletes, and Ben, as a mechanical engineer, decided to address this issue by designing a concussion-sensing device over his last year at MIT. Fellow MIT student and fraternity brother Seth Berg 14 joined the project, adding his computer science and electrical engineering expertise. Together they made several functioning prototypes ready to receive funding for mass production and distribution. This is the product that I wish I had growing up. And it’s the product that today’s young athletes need. I want to make sure that nobody has to go through an experience like mine, and, by recognizing injuries when they happen, rather than after the fact, we can ensure that athletes receive proper care when they need it.†Ben Harvatine The Jolt sensor is a small clip that attaches to any piece of head-word athletic equipment and vibrates to alert the athlete if their head accelerates in a dangerous way. Jolt itself is a startup founded in Boston in 2014 that has worked closely with the MIT Venture Mentoring Service and is even a 2014 MassChallenge Finalist. The Kickstarter to fund the Jolt sensor was launched on August 26, 2014 and in just one day gained 115 backers and raised $11,000. Now theyre holding a social media contest where you can people can vote fr their school teams to be equipped with Jolt sensors funded by donors from the Kickstarter. Ben and Seth are also alumni of my fraternity Phi Kappa Sigma. Just by seeing them start this startup taught me a lot about how to make a successful campaign, from contacting newspapers to networking with startup funders to spending long hours working hard to improve the actual product. Like I mentioned earlier, MIT has created an environment where seeing others create new things inspires people to create their own and now I feel even more inspired to create new things.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Leading Killer Of Women And Men Essay - 1345 Words
Statement of Need The leading killer of women and men remains, myocardial infarctions. In 2012, it accounted for every three out of ten deaths, killing 17.5 million people worldwide (The World Health Organization, n.d.). Myocardial infarctions (MI) stem from the onset of Coronary Heart Disease. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) occurs when there is a blockage of blood flow to the heart. This blockage, is caused by a build-up of plaque in the heart’s arteries, which ruptures and becomes dislodged forming a blood clot that prevents oxygen- rich blood from reaching the heart. When blood to the heart is reduced this can trigger a myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack. The lack of blood to surrounding tissue in the heart can cause muscle death if not treated promptly and can be fatal (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d.). The onset of Myocardial infarction (MI) is dependent on several factors and to the extent of which those factors are present. Factors such as physical inactivity, high blood pressure, obesity, high blood glucose, lipid abnormalities, and tobacco use are all known contributors to MI and CHD (Cardiovascular Disease, 2006). While there are several methods used to help treat myocardial infraction such as surgery, lifestyle changes, and medication, the fundamental treatment methods remain Fibrinolytic Therapy (FT) and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). FT, also known as Thrombolytic therapy is theShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : The Leading Cancer Killer Of Men And Women854 Words  | 4 Pages Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of men and women in the U.S. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking. (Health Risks, n.d.) Smoking weakens our body’s immune system due to the chemicals (carcinogens) that are found in cigarettes. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Psychological Theories Of Police Work And Eyewitness...
Per your request, I have researched some psychological factors in criminal investigation that could have played a role in Mr. Bloodsworth’s conviction. The areas that I have chosen to focus on are confirmation bias, the two young boys as witnesses, and criminal profiling. In this memo, I will identify the major problems in police work and eyewitness identification that were present in Mr. Bloodsworth’s case by using and describing the psychological theories and research findings from the Psychology and Law course I took. Summary of the Case In Rosedale, Maryland Dawn Hamilton, a nine-year girl, was found dead in a wooded area, having been beaten and sexually assaulted. Mr. Bloodsworth was arrested for the crime after identification by a witness from a police sketch made public on television and an anonymous caller told police hotline he recalled seeing him with the victim that day. At trial, five witnesses testified that they had had seen Mr. Bloodsworth with the victim; however, two of those witnesses were unable to identify Mr. Bloodsworth in a lineup. Although there was no physical evidence connecting our client to the crime, he was convicted and sentenced to death row. Mr. Bloodsworth has maintained his innocence throughout his trial and continues to maintain it. Psychology Analysis Wrongful witness identification was a major component of Mr. Bloodsworth’s wrongful conviction. Witness accounts of the offender suggested that he was well over 6 feet tall had curlyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Problems with Eyewitness Testimony1395 Words  | 6 PagesEyewitness testimony has been used for many centuries and continues to be a part of our criminal justice system. Although, there has been many controversy debates on whether to allow the continuation of these testimonies in court, and allow it to be used as evidence. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Institutional Framework †Jitto Paul James Free Essays
GLOBAL BUSINESS STRATEGIES TOPICS :INSTUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS SUBMITTED BY : JITTO PAUL JAMES 11-PCO-18 Technical framework for global strategies Introduction : Strategies in a global setting involves competition in industries that extends across national boundaries and firms with different national bases that may tap into strategic resources in more than one location. The frameworks for global strategic analysis at four levels are the geographic scope of the industry , the competitiveness of various locations , the geographic reach of the firm and the global integration vs. ocal focus of specific activities . We will write a custom essay sample on Institutional Framework – Jitto Paul James or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sustainable growth of the country depends mainly on the quality of a country‘s institutions. Without well-functioning institutions, education and training policies are less effective and factor markets cannot function efficiently. Even the Financial systems, which are a central element in funding new investment, do not function effectively in a weak institutional environment . In short, strong institutions are a central determinant of the ability of economies to compete and to grow successfully. Level of analysis : issues , frameworks and actions The principal frames of reference required for strategic thinking and action in an international context , these include those required for defining the geographic scope of industries, the competitive advantage of countries and its implications for the locations of activities and tradeoffs between local responsiveness and global integration of different activities in the value chain . While each of these levels is complex, we find it useful to caricature. each of these frameworks graphically , much as Porter has done ith the five competitiveness . These caricature are drastic oversimplifications and omit many relevant variable and feedbacks , but they call to mind the various dimensions that should be considered . The goal is not to master the framework , but to use it to master the strategic issue at hand . This will require modifying the frameworks, often adding or changing dimensions , as the most relevant simplifications will va ry from application to application . The basic frameworks and the definition of the various forces are presented below , together with the key references for each . All of the levels of analysis identified above plays a role in overall strategic process . Often , this process is depicted hierarchically , zooming in , from the most macro to the most micro perspectives from positioning to implementation . In practice , the process is more simultaneous and chaotic , since changes in opportunities or threats may appear at any of the levels , triggering a new round of strategic assessment . Nevertheless , it is useful to present the frameworks as a simple hierarchy from industry structure , location based advantage , and the various dimensions of internationalization of the firm . Institutional bodies for import / export Institutions engaged in export/ import effort fall in six distinct tiers. At the top is the Department of Commerce in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and their main function is to formulate and guide India’s trade policy. In the Second tier, there are advisory bodies to ensure that export problems are comprehensively dealt with after mutual discussions between the Government and the Industry. At the third tier are the commodity specific organizations, which deal with problems relating to individual commodities and/or groups of commodities. The fourth tier consists of service institutions, which facilitates and assist the exporters to expand their operations and reach out more effectively to the world markets. The fifth tier consists 44 of Government trading organizations specifically set up to handle export/import of specified commodities and to supplement the efforts of the private enterprise in the field of export promotion and import management. Finally ,agencies for export promotion at the State level constitute the sixth tier. Reference : International business competing in the global market place ( second edition ) by Charles W. L . Hill * Global business strategy : An introduction by Robin John , Grazia Letto Gilles . * Chamber of commerce * Ministry of trade and commerce * Investopedia for definition * EXIM Report http://www. slideshare. net/hemanthcrpatna/a-study-on-media-as-a-source-of-influence http://www. scribd. com/doc/95124603/A-Study-on-Media-as-a-Source-of-Influence-on-Consumer-Decision-Process-in-Bila spur http://www. studymode. com/essays/Media-Impact-On-Consumer-Buying-Behavior-268694. html? topic How to cite Institutional Framework – Jitto Paul James, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay Example
The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay In this essay, I shall be discussing the roles of secondary socialisation in both the creation and promotion of existing gender identities in the UK. The two social institutions I will be looking at are education, and the media these both constitute as being ways of how we are socialised into particular roles, in this case through secondary socialisation. Firstly, we need to establish what gender roles are so we are able to discuss the importance of socialisation in education and the media on these roles. Ann Oakley distinguishes between sex (the biological differences between males and females) and gender (culturally created differences), in that she focuses on what society defines as masculine and feminine behaviours, roles, attitudes, expectations and so on. Gender identity is the result of gender role socialisation, unlike sex, which is biologically determined. When discussing masculinities and femininities we need to appreciate that these are not merely two types of gender identities, but that in fact, there are different types of these identities. This has been highlighted by Connell, who illustrated that there are both dominant and subordinate forms of these identities, for example, gay sexuality is a subordinate from of masculinity. So in fact, we should not be referring merely to masculinity and femininity, but to masculinities and femininities. Drawing on the nature/nurture debate, Joan Smith (1997) stated that men and women become different because they are treated differently. In other words, socialisation and upbringing are more important than nature. We will write a custom essay sample on The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This suggests that biological differences in fact play no, or little, part in how our behaviour differs, but that in fact, gender identities are actually socially constructed, and then promoted through various social institutions. Evidence to support the social construction of gender identities comes from research into AIS, and also from cross cultural studies which show that different cultures define acceptable gender roles differently, proving that biology is not the main factor in determining male and female behaviour. Discussion of popular culture, including the roles of magazines and books leads us to consider: How are men and women represented in popular culture, and what role does this play in reproducing gender roles and identities? Firstly, we shall look at the idea that the education system is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the UK. Most importantly, we will be looking at how males and females learn their gender identities in education by assessing the role of childrens books in the promotion of, or the distinction between, gender identities. We already know that educational institutions play an important role in socialising children for adult roles, but how exactly do we learn our gender identities from education? Michelle Stanworth (1983) introduced the idea of a hidden curriculum whereby not only do children learn formal subjects such as Maths, English etc. , but from the school experience, they are also receiving hidden messages about their class, ethnicity, and gender. As Stanworth found, this may be from the teachers in a study, one male teacher was quoted as saying, of one of his female students, that she was likely to become: a personal assistant to someone rather important. (I. e. this teacher means a man. ) In addition, it has been found that male students are likely to get more attention from staff than girls, even if girls outnumbered boys. An important way we learn our gender identities in education is through the use of books. Dale Spender suggested that women are made invisible in our culture, in that their lives and achievements are not represented as being as being of any significance, or may even be trivialised. This idea is supported perfectly when we look at childrens books. Many studies, including Lobban (74) and Best (93) have provided us with interesting findings. In the majority of childrens books, male characters tend to outnumber female characters by anything up to three to one. Additionally, when female characters do appear, they are likely to be in traditionally stereotypical female roles. Male characters often appear as being heroes, are adventurous, and out of the home situation. How does this affect the children who are reading the books, and how does it promote gender identities? Young girls are likely to get the impression that they should serve men (happy servitude), and the use of male heroes implies that women need to be rescued. For boys, they learn that men are big, adventurous, heterosexual and also protect women. These effects are a clear example of how this form of secondary socialisation (education) promotes, and highlights the differences between gender identities. The second way we are socialised into gender roles is through the media. This includes books, the radio, television, videos and films, but we will look more specifically at magazines. In Angela McRobbies findings (82), she demonstrated perfectly that the magazines girls read do in fact redefine, or even create, gender identities. When looking at Jackie magazine, she found that it helped to define girls identities and expectations from childhood onwards. She focused particularly on how the magazine constructed a female world based around the ideals of romance, fashion, and pop music. The effects this had on young girls was that it promoted the idea that their primary task was to get a man and that their primary identity would be based on getting a man. Ferguson (85) added to this idea, stating that womens magazines promote the view that women should concentrate on cooking, housework, and childcare. Furthermore, these are seen to be the main roles of women, and clearly define female identity as one which is centred around housework and childcare. Although Ferguson recognises that since her first studies in the 40s, there has been a change in how this message is promoted in magazines, she does reiterate that nowadays, the predominant message is one of femininity being centred on childcare and housework. Taking a more general look at magazines aimed at females, we can draw certain conclusions about how we learn our gender identities through the media. Most magazines aimed at young women, seem to have an unhealthy concern with appearance, health, and beauty. Many of the articles focus on diets, especially so called celebrity diets which are an even more effective way of promoting diets, as young women are more likely to imitate the behaviour of people who they already look up to. This promotes the view that females should predominantly focus on their appearance. Looking at a recent issue of Company magazine, we can see that there are 49 health and beauty articles, compared to six articles on real life issues. This implies to the reader that health, beauty, and physical appearance are more important than real life issues, socialising them into a female gender identity based on these values. When looking at (heterosexual) mens magazines, such as FHM or Loaded, we can see that they are based around the idea that a mans main interest is to have sex. Most of the articles are written in a way which almost give advice on how to get women. The magazine is socialising the reader into what is nowadays seen as typical masculine behaviour. This is done by the content being predominantly about lad-culture, and provides a good source, for young males, of somewhere to learn typical male behaviour from. This shows how secondary socialisation can create gender identities in the UK. To conclude, we need to look at other factors, aside from secondary socialisation, and cannot ignore the main source for our socialisation, (primary socialisation,) which is the family. Our parents are likely to treat us differently from other siblings of a different sex, although it may be unintentional. This can include the way they dress us, they way they may restrain or encourage particular behaviour we display, and may even be evident in the toys they buy us. For example, giving boys tractors encourages them to do manual work and giving girls dolls encourages them to be caring and motherly. This is surely an important institution, and we must acknowledge its effects on the promotion of gender identities. We also need to reiterate that there are different types of masculinities and femininities, and need to recognise how these might be promoted through secondary socialisation. For example, nowadays, there are many different types of men represented in the media. We are shown more traditional men such as Tony Blair who has a high-powered job and has a wife and children. But also, we are faced with images of David Beckham, who, although being a football player, (a typically masculine career,) has challenged typical masculine roles, by toying with feminine identities, without actually being homosexual. He has done this by, for example, wearing nail varnish, or by appearing on the cover of gay magazine Attitude. To conclude, we have seen that both the media, and education do socialise gender specific behaviour into us from an early age. Personally, I do not find one of these institutions to be more effective than the other, but when considering other institutions, such as peer group influence, and the effects of the family, we can see that our gender identity is very much taught to us, and is by no means biologically predetermined, instinctual behaviour.
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